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Moving To the Cloud? Here’s Everything You Need To Know.

Business, all over the world, has a new modern pace now – modern business models are scaling up faster, use different kinds of resources, and have an efficient edge to them.

To keep up with this pace of modern business – one of the things that is turning into a priority for existing business companies is cloud transformation. Existing companies of any scale and from all kinds of fields are considering or in the process of moving to the cloud.

However, what does moving to the cloud really mean?

Cloud transformation is a process of moving your business from local servers into cloud servers that exist in data centres around the globe. It involves migrating all the applications, software, and data that your business might be using to exist and run on the cloud instead of computers. The scale and extent of cloud transformations vary according to the end goals you wish to achieve for your business.

Tech experts have long predicted the accelerated rise of cloud transformations and the Covid pandemic has fuelled it further. As companies started remote work with most of their employees, cloud servers and cloud computing gained even more popularity.

Why move to the cloud?

Cloud transformations have become a necessary step as one’s business grows. Many companies are opting for cloud-based services to make their business operations more efficient and slowly phase out of IT infrastructure. Cloud-based services are a great alternative as they offer more efficient delivery systems, interaction with customers or other businesses and day-to-day operations.

Here are some of the benefits of moving your business to the cloud:

1. Data-storage and sharing

One of the biggest changes when your business will undergo a cloud transformation would be the way you store data and share it with your customers and other businesses. However, at the same time data security is also one of the biggest worries associated with it.

2. Flexibility and scalability within your organisation

Flexibility in scaling your business is another major benefit of switching to cloud computing – it allows you to scale up or down depending on your circumstances and start projects or lessen your workload without worrying about your IT infrastructure.

3. Central network security

While data security is a reasonable worry when it comes to cloud computing, having a central network security system means it is easier to track any issues and also control the same.

4. Accelerated market access

Cloud computing ensures that the access your business has to the market is accelerated hence giving you the option to seize that opportunity if you want.

5. Overall efficiency of day-to-day operations

Research has shown that companies that have moved to the cloud have seen an increase in productivity compared to the ones that still use local servers.

6. Cost-effectiveness

Cloud transformation is shows to reduce IT infrastructure costs by almost 25% – as it directly results in your business requiring less technological gadgets, less staff to manage that technology and less repair or data recovery costs.

These are only some of the benefits of moving to the cloud. This is not to say that there are no challenges on your way to it – however, at the end of the day it saves you money and increases the efficiency of your business. Head on over to our website to know more about how and why you should make the move!

The World of UX and UI Design: Differences, Significance, and Everything in between

A famous web developer, Dain Miller, puts it succinctly:

“UI is the saddle, the stirrups, and the reins. UX is the feeling you get being able to ride the horse.”

In the digital age, terms like UX and UI design have become increasingly popular. Now that businesses are going digital or at least using some form of digital services — these terms are used on an everyday basis in the field of entrepreneurship.

What is UI and UX design, really?

Both, User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX), design are processes or ways of designing user interactions with machines, software, applications, and more. Let’s get into the details of both.

User Interface (UI) Design and its Significance

User Interface refers to the design that makes the interaction between users and machines seamless and efficient. Literally, it is our point of contact — us, the user, “facing” the machine/product. UI design involves designing that point of contact — the interface.

More specifically, designing a UI includes designing an intuitive interface with every visual and interactive element detailed out. For example, a UI designer would design the icons, buttons, the color palette, placement, typography, and how responsive the process is. Some part of it is designing the aesthetics — the look and feel of the product. The design process balances the technical functions behind the interface with its visual and interactive elements so that the product is not only functioning, but it is functioning in a way that is usable and intuitive to the user.

A successful UI design is one which guides the user’s movement through the interface intuitively, along with conveying the brand’s messaging with the aesthetic elements.

User Experience (UX) Design and its Significance

We are all familiar with “user experience” as a term — it is widely used in all kinds of fields that offer a product, service, or experience. For example, the user experience of a furniture or a coffee machine, or an app.

User Experience (UX) Design then refers to designing that user experience by taking into account all the different elements that create a certain experience. They consider how an experience makes users feel, how easy or difficult it is for a user to finish a task using the service or product. All of this is done by conducting user research, which involves observing and analyzing user’s interaction with the flow of the service or product. The goal is to create a fulfilling experience for the user in terms of quality of the experience.

While user experience as a concept is not exclusively digital and is used in all fields, in the context of the digital world, a UX designer focuses on improving the quality of user interaction with the product.

The difference between

UI and UX design are altogether two stages of the process of designing a product or service. The ultimate goal for both is the same — to design a seamless interaction and experience for the user. Because of this common ultimate goal, the two terms are often used interchangeably. However, the two serve different purposes in that ultimate goal – one being that of interaction (UI) and the other of experience (UX).

The design process is not truly complete and user-ready without both these types of design processes. So, what do they do differently?

UI design is all about the interaction of the user with the product and hence the aesthetics and intuitive functioning, whereas UX design is all about designing based on determining how the user will feel during this experience.

In the whole process, UX design is the first stage, where the designer lays out the user journey and determines the experience by identifying the user’s problems and the solutions to those. UI design is the second stage, where the journey and experience is made possible by building an interface which is aesthetically pleasing and intuitive — with visual and interactive elements.

TM Systems can help with every stage of the design process to help you develop a top-notch product and service. Check out our website for more information.

Understanding Data Driven Designs and its Significance

Good design is a powerful way of communicating ideas and subtly guiding one’s thinking and behaviour. It is an integral part of any product, application, or process system – how they are designed affects how the end user interacts with them and uses them optimally. There are many ways to design these products, applications, or process systems – and one of the most recent ones is design that is data driven.

However, one may ask the role of data in design and the answer is age-old: “Knowledge is power”

Data driven design is all about incorporating feedback data of the user’s habits and behaviours into the design process to match the user’s needs and hence make it more effective. It is an iterative process that is a part of the UX design approach. The data is collected in different ways, like: page analytics, demographic data, analyzing behaviour patterns, and more direct ways like customer surveys.

Feedback data from users about how they use a certain product or service helps the designer to know how to design or in cases where it is already designed it helps to know whether the design is being used in the way it was intended. The data used is quantitative as well as qualitative so as to get a wholesome idea of the users’ likes/dislikes, preferences, and the way in which they interact with products or the service.

The importance of data-driven design:

In a world which runs on data, feedback data is extremely valuable as it helps the designer actually know their audience and come up with custom solutions. It makes the target audience real and their behaviours and patterns quantifiable and customised rather than an abstract homogenous entity. This offers the designer a great platform to start with – not only do they know “who” they are designing for but also details of who they are and what they prefer and how they use the products.

Designing or redesigning as per the data from users can give a high return on investment as the efforts you will put in are more focused and based on research rather than arbitrary. Studies also show that data-driven design leads to more business conversions as it is targeted at specific users and hence, it is more likely to appeal to them.

How to know when to use a data-driven approach

Since there are multiple ways to design something it can get confusing to know when to use a data-driven design approach. The other data-related ways of designing are data-aware and data-informed and they are softer in the way they incorporate data into their design workflow.

However, data driven design involves a hard-core approach that uses data as its foundation to base all its design decisions on. While it works for almost any kind of design, it is most useful when one wants to optimize the performance of their product or process. Here, quantitative figures from the users will help the designer create an optimal flow – things like where in the design flow is the user getting stuck, or where certain features could be added or subtracted to increase efficiency.

Overall, data-related design has multifold benefits and it can help your company grow to its maximum potential. Contact us at TM Systems to incorporate it into your business workflow.

The Many Stages of Becoming Agile

How to Become an Agile Organization in 10 Stages

Agile transformation has become an increasingly popular term across the corporate sector. A transformation process for any organization, the goal of an Agile transformation is to make the organization quick on its feet and adaptable to change.

Agile | áʤɑjl
able to move quickly and easily

In broad and simplistic terms, the goal is for the organization to become agile, in its whole and all its parts so that it can be more efficient and thrive in case of unprecedented challenges. In the modern fast-paced world, where a few months bring about a new update on something or the other – it is important that any organization is prepared to deal with fast-changing environments. Agile transformations are designed to be for software corporations but the transformation is more of a philosophy that can be adopted by any organisation.

An agile transformation is a set of values which guide the organization on what to prioritize. These include things like: customer interaction gaining importance, an increase in collaborations and a decrease in planning, processes and too many layers and hierarchies in the management and operations.

This kind of a transformation is a mammoth task as it requires a change in mindset and the approach to working day in and day out. At the core of the transformation, a mindset change is must.

The agile transformation is divided into many stages – let us walk you through them and show how we can aid you with them:

1. Spot the Agility

Some of the existing values or practices of your company might be agile in nature and might be matching your end goal – spot them. TM Systems can kickstart this process by helping you identify what kind of progress has been made by these pockets of agility which makes it easier to convey to the rest of the company what needs to be done going forward and what are its advantages.

2. To be or Not to Be Agile

The next stage before we actually start the agile transformation is to determine whether this is the right time for your company to undergo this kind of a change and the pros and cons of it. These things can also be weighed in on by learning from other organizations who are already in the process of transforming.

3. Get Set Go – but form a team first!

Such an extensive transformation would require a dedicated team as it is never-ending in nature. Most companies start with having few people from different departments who identify with the agile ideology to start leading the change.

4. Leading by example and applying methodologies

This kind of a fundamental change needs to come from within. This is where smaller teams that have achieved agility can share their experiences and inspire. There are also many tools and methodologies, like Scrum, that TM Systems can intervene with to give agile tasks a boost.

5. What’s life without a few challenges?

The next stage of the agile transformation deals with challenges and how the company bounces back from them while keeping up with agile processes. Here again, TM Systems can support your organization by suggesting a framework or tools to follow.

6. The whole and its parts

Getting smaller teams and then departments to be agile is an achievement in itself. However, the biggest challenge is to get all the teams to collaborate with each other and work in a way that the whole company can be agile. This requires non-hierarchical workflow and communication throughout the organisation.

7. Chase the real agility

Since agile transformations have become the popular token word – it is misused and misinterpreted quite often. Even while being in the process of agile transformation – the organization could be led astray by what seems like agility but at its core it isn’t. Our constant can keep your organisation in sight of the actual goal and not be distracted.

8. It takes a village

In the software industry – agile transformations can be realised in the main teams with more efficiency and then, the task is to get all the back-end departments – like finance, HR, etc. to get into the fold. Otherwise, they prove to be a threat to any agile change that has come about.

9. To stand on one’s own feet

To measure the success of any agile transformation process – the words “transformation process” need to be removed from the equation. Once the crutches of process and tools and framework are removed and the employees no longer “have to” follow an agile protocol – do they still follow it? This proves to be a great test to see if your organization is agile or not.

10. Hit the jackpot!

A successful agile transformation will ultimately lead the organization to innovation that shakes the market – either in terms of creative processes or output. Your organization may find a way of doing existing things in a way that yields better results, or it comes up with a product or service that is creative, or it simply challenges a certain norm – all leading to major revenue growth; that is achieved by creating value in some way or the other.

As you can see, agile transformation is a long process but worth every ounce of effort one puts into it. While agility can only be achieved by a mindset change that alone is never enough or reliable – the organization requires more tangible ways to bring about the change. This is where external support comes in – TM Systems can offer this support with tools, methodologies, and a framework so that you simply execute the change instead of planning it.

Blockchain v/s Database: Perceiving the Difference

In today’s tech world, blockchain technology is gaining much popularity and often compared with database technology as they are similar. However, while both cater to a similar system of storing data – the design and the purpose of both of these technologies sets them quite apart. Before we jump in to compare the two, let’s look at what both are in their own right.

Blockchain technology uses a decentralized network system to create a distributed ledger technology that lets a number of people share data and work together. The data is stored and shared in the form of blocks. Comparatively much newer, it uses cryptography to form an evolving list of blocks, each of which are marked by a timestamp to make sure it can be verified by all users later on. Database technology is a centralized database system that stores information and allows access to existing ones. A central authority manages the server and can also modify the data, allowing for different data structures that can be useful for certain kinds of data storage and hierarchical environments.

Both systems are clearly similar in the sense that they store data in one way or the other. However, the difference is in the design of both and their overall purpose. Here is a comparison of both side by side:

Handling Data

Blockchain technology uses straightforward operations like read and write to manage the data that comes through. Database systems use more operations – create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) to handle the data that is being stored. These operations are managed by the central administrator.


Perhaps one of the biggest and obvious differences in both the systems is that of architecture. Blockchain uses a distributed ledger network that works very well for a peer system. In contrast, database technology serves a client-server architecture making it very useful for systems that require a central authority.


The blockchain technology is famous for its decentralized system that allows for easy peer sharing and increased security whereas the database system has a central administrator that manages a whole data structure and can also delegate certain functions in a hierarchy if required. This is where the difference between the two should be analysed as it is not about whether one is better or the other but what one’s requirement is and which one caters better to their work and goals.


Blockchain technology, comparatively new as it is, is financially  harder to access and maintain. Database technology is easy to execute and to maintain as it is older and hence, tried and tested which also makes it easier to access.

Transparency and Security

Blockchain technology, catering to a peer network, is more transparent as all users get access to similar features and functions. In addition, users of blockchain technology cannot modify stored data. All of this lower security risks making blockchain technology a favourite for people looking for more security. Although this is only for public blockchains. In contrast, a database system has one central authority who assigns and delegates functions and features to different levels of users. The central administrator also has access to modifying data and is responsible for taking backups – all of this increasing security risks and decreasing transparency.


In terms of the speed and how fast and efficiently a system performs, database technology comes out as a clear winner as its system is straightforward which makes it extremely scalable. Blockchain technology is slower in comparison as it needs to engage in consensus and verification methods.

Now that the difference is evident, the ultimate choice for you lies in which purpose and design is better suited for your company and its projects.

Digitalisation : The Next Upgrade Your Business Needs.

Since the last two decades, the urban sector of the world has seen much growth fuelled in some way or the other by technology. While some businesses are marketing online and building a presence – there is a new path for ones who seek to make their inner workings efficient and productive. On an average, employees of any business put in much more time and effort in their work than the result that is yielded. Hence, there tends to be a large gap between the input and output.

In such scenarios, businesses often make the mistake of putting in more effort at the input stage – increasing the number of employees, more machines/hardware so as to increase the output. However, the process between the two is often neglected. To bridge this gap between the input and output, one has to look at the process between the two. There are many ways to go from one or the other but the question is – which is the more efficient way?

In recent times, digitalisation is a popular and effective solution to bridge this gap as it focuses on making the process less time consuming, cost-effective and more sustainable in the long run. Digitalisation focuses on integrating digital technologies into a business and its various processes in terms of how it works internally. People often confuse it but this is part of a 3-step process: the first is digitization (converting analog data into digital), then digitalization (incorporating digital processes into the business process), and lastly a digital transformation (a complete conversion to digital, often using intelligent technologies).

Digitalisation is the incorporation of digital technologies into business/social processes, with the goal of improving them. The most obvious benefits are: efficient workflow, optimised deliveries and new services.

More specific benefits include things like:

  • new ways to acquire customers,
  • faster and better decision-making through detailed data analysis,
  • better working environment for employees and hence more chances of retaining them,
  • Reduction in operational costs.

How do you achieve this? Here are a few steps that will help you digitalize your business:


Customer Relationship Management software

Integration of CRM software into a business process can boost customer interaction and employee communication making communication and hence execution of tasks faster and more efficient. It also helps to analyse the needs of customers so that your business can provide targeted services.

Use a cloud computing system

An integral part of any digitalization initiative, cloud computing helps a business to reduce their cost of maintaining IT systems and upgrades of the same.

Marketing Automation

This works as a digital tool to minimize time and effort and maximise efficiency by looking for customers and subscribers and emailing them individually along with an automated email campaign.

Cloud Storage Solutions

With cloud storage solutions, employees have round the clock accessibility to stored information and makes documentation and organising of data easier.

Communication tools

Collaborative communication platforms allow employees to communicate with each other while editing, storing, and managing data.


Confidential information is shared and stored in various forms and protecting them is a part of the process of digitalization. Some of the tools include: encrypted VPN to allow remote access, multi-factor authentication, a set standard for password strength standards, and more.

In 2021, even further accelerated by the Covid pandemic, we are a part of a technological revolution and digitalizing your business is the need of the hour as customer demands are ever changing, and efficiency is integral to the stability and growth of every business.

Shopify vs WordPress: Which Platform is the One for You?

The online presence of any brand has an inner working system that they are relying on for efficiency in managing the content they are creating. The online platform you choose is vital for your website to flourish and is dependent on many factors – your goals, what you want to convey, and more.

The top two contenders for making your behind-the-scenes perfect are Shopify and WordPress – if you’ve been browsing around to set up your online platform, you must have heard of these giants in the e-commerce industry.

Shopify was made to be an e-commerce platform, dedicated to just that and helps build an online storefront. It provides all the tools you need to keep that store functioning and also hosts it. Shopify stands out because of how easy it is to use, especially for people who are looking to create their own website / store, without any technical background.

WordPress, an open-source platform and a content management system at its core, offers many customizations and flexibility. It requires you to host your own site while it functions with e-commerce tools that can be used as plug-ins along with it.

Both platforms are giant players in the e-commerce industry. To aid you further in making the right choice, we have listed some differences of the two here:

User Interface : Shopify is popular for its great user interface as a platform and how easy it is to use even for people who have no technical knowledge. WordPress requires some technical support so base your decision on which kind you’d be able to operate on.

Budget and Pricing : Shopify has set up pricing plans for its customers while WordPress is free to use. However, WordPress does require you to pay for your own hosting service and domain name to set up shop.

Plug-in services and extensions : One of the biggest differences between Shopify and WordPress is that the latter is an open source platform and hence allows access to millions of other plug-in apps, a lot of which are free. Whereas, Shopify has about 2500 (paid and free) available in its all inclusive Shopify App Store.

E-commerce capabilities : Since Shopify is an e-commerce platform by default, it houses its own e-commerce system complete with mobile friendly versions, domain registration, store management, integration with social media sites, and an intuitive web builder. However, in contrast, WordPress is not an e-commerce platform so there is one more step it takes to adopt e-commerce capabilities. WooCommerce, an app to integrate e-commerce features to the platform. While this way seems like a roundabout way of going about it – it does offer more customization.

SEO features : Shopify offers a range of options to integrate SEO into your web activity – which allows many extensions, custom meta fields which enhance the data you put forth for your products/service. WordPress offers a variety of third party extensions and plug-ins for integrating SEO into your website.

Maintenance and Security : Perhaps the most important but overlooked part of building an online presence is the security solutions you need along with maintaining the website. Shopify handles this with ease on its own while you only needs to set up a strong password and take care of the fundamentals. As WordPress is a platform you host yourself, you will need to install security systems for your website and maintain it accordingly.

If convenience and tracking your budget are your top priority, Shopify is a great start for you. It is a one-stop solution for many. If your requirement is control and customisation and you have some technical knowledge or the ability to get some tech support on board, WordPress is a sound choice!